July 20, 2013

#KingdomWoman... Get Some Help!

I've been raving about the book I'm currently reading, Kingdom Woman. I'm almost ashamed to say that it's been a long time since I've dedicated some time to delving into a good book. It's been a looooong time! But I'm not ashamed because I'm reading now and I'd been waiting on this book, just like I was waiting to read The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer. The last book I remember reading in its entirety before that was Power of a Praying Wife (I've actually read it twice!) and sporadically, my husband and I read devotions together from various books, including The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage, and online devotions from The Dobsons and Focus on the Family, and of course our beloved pastor, Dr.Tony Evans. In my younger days before I had a family, I would go through 2-3 books a week! I love reading and writing and I even tried to instill that love in my children... Anyway, I digress!

So I started reading Kingdom Woman this week and my plan was to read a chapter a day and then blog about it. NOT!! As a wife, mom, and entrepreneur, my focus has been to make those 'titles' my priority and 'catering' to myself is near the bottom of the list... I've been pretty good about balancing everything but in the summer, the order I'm so proud of during the rest of the year pretty much goes out the window. But I don't stress, I just adjust. I go with the flow.  It's something I've learned over a period of time having gone through various seasons of life. That's why I can certainly relate to what Chrystal says in her illustration in Chapter 1. Specifically...
Cooking and cleaning are important . . . Raising your children is important . . . Cultivating a healthy marriage is important . . . Doing a good job and building a career are important . . . Contributing in your community is important . . . Exercising wisdom in your finances is important . . . Serving in your church is important . . . Taking care of your health is important . . . Spending quality time with friends and family is important . . . Enjoying your life is important . . .

But none of those things should ever be a stumbling block that keeps you from fearing God, finding out what His priority is for you, and focusing on what matters for eternity.
One thing I've tried to not do is ever allow my relationship with The Lord to fall by the wayside even with everything we have going on. Oh, in my younger days, I would 'play church' even though I was saved at 6 years old. But life has taught me many lessons and one of the most important things I've learned is I can do NOTHING without The Lord!

You don't have to be a perfect Christian, wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, employee or business owner, etc, in fact, there are no perfect any of that, but you do have to have a relationship and reverence for The Lord and seek to know what matters most to Him and the priority He has for you in this life. What talents has He given you and how are you using those talents? What's keeping you from using your talents for a godly purpose? If you need some help so you can sort things out, don't be afraid to ask for it. Ask The Lord to show you! A lot of us are afraid to ask Him and anyone else for the help we need. But one thing my grandma taught me is the worst thing anyone can do to you for asking a question is tell you "no"...
The best news is that when you are a Kingdom Woman who chooses to walk in the fear of the Lord, then it’s His job to find and provide the tools you need to get His work done!
The Proverbs 31 Woman did not do what she did without some help and neither should we! I'm so glad the Lord has provided me with help from above and here on earth. I'm grateful to be able to relax today and read something positive to HELP me fulfill a life of excellence and honoring to the Lord!

I leave you with Dr Evans words from the end of the chapter...
Fear God in all you do. Honor Him with your heart, thoughts, words, and actions. Seek Him, look to Him, and accept the help He brings your way. Take your life one day at a time. Honor and revere Him today. Fear Him in everything. Demonstrate that reverence through all you do. If you will do that, you will be on your way to being a kingdom woman living out her destiny. Reverence for God serves as the foundation upon which your significance as a kingdom woman will flourish.
Get the book! You won't regret it!  If you've read this blog, please leave a comment to let me know you were here and how your Kingdom Woman journey is going as well!!

Be blessed!

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