May 30, 2010

New Day, Time for a Change...

I know I'm not the Proverbs 31 Woman but I'm striving to be! I know that I can't expect to be everything that she is described as being, but I can try. God knows my heart. I want to be the best woman of God, wife, mother, friend, and business woman that God has purposed me to be.

Throughout the week, I kept hearing the words "die to self". I've heard them from different people and, even in my daily reading, I've come across those words. I keep thinking about the words of the pastor in my favorite movie, The Color Purple, "Ladies, God is Trying to Tell You Somethin"!! Has that ever happened to you?

I'm trying to be still and allow God to work everything out in my world these days. I don't want to and I can't become all that He wants me to be in my own strength so I'm relinquishing control and surrendering all to Jesus right now.

1. Family. They all deserve my best. What can I do to spend more quality time with all of our children, respect and love my husband with all my heart, and make sure everyone feels cherished and loved? I've started working on activities that we can all do that are reasonable for a family of SEVEN!!! And even our new puppy. I need to help care for her and take her on walks sometimes.

2. Home. Cleanliness is next to godliness. My husband says his summer project is going to be cleaning out the garage. Some of the clutter includes boxes that I've had since I moved here TEN YEARS AGO!! It's time to really go through these things and only keep things that are useful. Also, our house needs to be cleaned thoroughly - bathrooms and kitchen, especially. I would like to paint the rooms and find ways to accommodate all of our children so that the house is comfortable and welcoming for everyone.

3. Money. Our finances are NOT where they should be. The first step is to find where I can reduce and cut spending. I need to really get back into promoting the business to earn supplemental income and support hubby in his job search and business endeavors.

4. Health. My last physical wasn't what I'd like it to be. I'm slightly over my ideal weight and my cholesterol is over the acceptable limit which means I need to get back to my regular exercise schedule and control my diet. Drinking more water and cutting down on fatty foods is a must!

5. Christian Walk. I've started reading Our Daily Bread daily again but I really want to get closer to God and become one with Him... I'm halfway through the Power of a Praying Wife (Stormie Omartian), Don't Give In... God Wants You to Win (Thelma Wells), and Believing God (Beth Moore)... I know it sounds kind of crazy, but I like reading various books simultaneously! I really wish I had a piano!!

Sometimes I'm so tired, frustrated, overwhelmed, and just plain exhausted trying to change all the things that seem to be wrong with my life. But I don't want to feel defeated because I know I'm a victor in Christ. I realize that I'm responsible for my own actions so I can't point fingers or blame anyone else for my actions and reactions. I have no excuse for not doing what I know I'm supposed to do to be the godly woman God has called me to be so I'm challenging myself for the next 31 days to dig deeper, really study Proverbs 31:10-31, work on being a better me, and taking steps to improve these areas of my life.

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