February 23, 2015

Movie Review: The Other Woman

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I'm not a big TV watcher.  However, one evening I just wanted to have a good laugh at something... anything.  As I was browsing the TV guide, I happened across a movie entitled, The Other Woman. I don't know why I decided to watch this particular movie, but I did, and surprisingly, it was actually a pretty good movie. I laughed so hard at times that I cried. Then, I cried because there were some really sad moments.

I missed the very first part of the movie, but basically, a woman finds out the guy she's dating is married. Then the wife finds out her husband is cheating on her with, not one, but, two other women. If you've ever seen The First Wives Club, it's a little like that, except in this movie, there's only one husband stepping out on his wife with several other women versus several different couples dealing with infidelity and divorce.

In The Other Woman, the women find out about each other and become friends. As they become closer, they craft a plan to get back at the husband. It is hilarious!  It shows women bonding together in the midst of a difficult situation to encourage each other to overcome their difficulty.

Here's a link to information about the movie - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2203939/  View at your own discretion!

I don't know what I would do if I were in this woman's shoes. I mean realistically, if my husband cheated on me like that, I don't think I could befriend his mistress, let alone mistresses! As a matter of fact, I know I couldn't! Even if he deceived her as much as he deceived me, I just don't think I could do it. Someone would probably end up in jail or the hospital... (I'm just saying!)  But, that's a discussion for another day!

After the movie, I began to think about the seriousness of the issue of infidelity in marriage. My husband and I even discussed this post.  I thank God we both know Jesus intimately so we are able to move forward in our marriage in ways that honor Him.

  • We fight for each other and our marriage in the spirit with prayer. 
  • We view each other through God's eyes. 
  • We are committed to not only being husband and wife, but also friends. 
  • We began as friends and that's how we will continue. 
  • We are committed to being together for the long haul and with Jesus in the middle, we can't go wrong.
So when I think about the Other Woman, I like to say that I am the other woman in my husband's life. I'm his homie, lover, friend til the end! 

If you've experienced infidelity in your marriage and you want to salvage your relationship, here are a few resources to read:

How to Survive Infidelity
Your Marriage Counselor on Infidelity
Heal Your Marriage After Infidelity 
Marriage Protection & Recovery Bundle

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