January 17, 2015

Roots and Wings...

Today is the day my little pudding pop and her mom head back to Tucson to join her dad in their new home. It's been six months since they blessed me with their presence. Six months to watch her grow from a cuddly baby to a bouncy toddler. Six months to hold her, hug her, play with her, rock her to sleep, and let her know how much I love her with a laugh, a touch, and a smile.

I love my little pudding pop so much and it's hard to let her go. I'm going to miss coming home to her squeals, her smile, and raised arms beckoning me to pick her up and kiss her rosy cheeks. I'm going to miss stepping over her toys in nearly every part of the house. But just like when I let her mom go almost three years ago, all I can do is hold onto the memories, pray for God's continued protection over her and her family, and...

FACETIME like crazy!  LOL

Seriously, as I wipe the tears from my eyes, I've asked the Lord to give me the strength to endure this moment today and for the coming weeks as I attempt to fill in the empty space where my daughter and granddaughter have been for so long. It reminds me of when my first child left the nest and then another and then another and then another... I've been watching kids leave home to spread their wings for nearly ten years now and it really doesn't get any easier.  We've given them wings to fly, but I often wonder about the roots that are supposed to run deep.

Did we plant enough good seeds within them so that when it comes time, they can reach back into the garden and pull out what they need to lead a successful life? Were the lessons we taught them good enough to stay in the recesses of their minds so they can pass the tests and trials that may come their way?  Have we created a good legacy for our children and grandchildren that they can pass on to their children and their children's children?  Were we a good example of faith in action and deeds, not just our words?  I sure hope so!

For each child, one thing I definitely tried to instill in them, like my grandmother instilled in me... 
Whereever you go, find a good church home. ~Juanita Willie Trimble
That's what my grandmother told me as I left for college. That's what I've said to each of my kids. Make sure you find a good, bible teaching, bible believing, house of worship. Make sure you read the bible for yourself. Make sure you have devotion. Do your research about the place of worship you choose and make sure they are true to the word of God. They've had a good example at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship. I pray the Lord will lead them to a place with the same caliber teaching whereever they go.

I remind them of whose they are and who they belong to. Forget about me as mom. Forget about dad. You are the child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I don't pressure them but I remind them, and again, ask the Lord to water the seed that has been planted so they won't forget.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Just like my grandmother knew, and I know now, if they find a place of worship, I can rest assured the Lord will meet them there. He is in complete control of their comings and going always. If they remember whose they are and who they belong to, they will know who they can run to when I'm nowhere around. I pray they will remember the tests and trials we went through and the faith that was shown so that if they ever face the same tests and trials, they will know they can make it through because mama did it, too. The Lord worked it out when the money was tight, the food was scarce, and the bills were due. He was always there to provide our needs - clothes on back, shoes on our feet, a roof over our head, and food to eat!

Yes, today is a bittersweet day. I'm sad to see my little girl go...again, and my beautiful sweet granddaughter, too. But thank God I don't have to worry because God has got each one of my kids and grandkids, just like He had me. The seeds were planted in me and took root when I was allowed to spread my wings and become who I am today. I believe it will be the same for them.

Thank You, Lord, for the time we've had to spend with the littlest members of our family. Please continue to protect them and keep them safe always. May their parents remember whose they are and pass on a legacy of faith for generations to come.


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