December 15, 2014

12 Days of Fasting & Prayer for Marriages - Day 3

Prayer for Biblical Purpose in Marriage
Lord, we realize that our lives are about something bigger than ourselves. You created us for a purpose that glorifies and honors you. Today, we pray and ask that You will bring us together to discover our common vision and the purpose You have for us in this life. We trust that You know the plans You have for us. Help us to abide in You so we can hear You clearly, gain wisdom and understanding for what You would have us to do, and live out our biblical purpose. Lord, protect us from the enemy who seeks to kill, steal, and destroy what you have brought together to fulfill Your purpose. Let us not allow attacks, distractions, or discouragement from others keep us from doing Your will. We pray and ask it all in Your Son Jesus' precious name. Amen.

Verse of the Day
Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? (Amos 3:3)

Food for Thought
During our marriage, we have gone through some "THANGS"!  We have dealt with a number of issues that come as a result of divorce and remarriage.  It has been a tough road, but instead of heading to "Divorce Court", we chose a biblical and healing separation to work on ourselves, our spiritual growth, and our marriage. During our separation, my husband would wake me each morning with a devotional via email and phone. He would read the devotional, copy and paste it along with scripture and his own commentary, email it to me, and then call me to read it to me and discuss. We spend anywhere from an hour to two, sometimes three, talking about what we learned and how we apply what we learned in our marriage. We continue to do this to this day!

One of the devotionals we went through is One by Jimmy Evans. It is one of THE best devotionals we've gone through by far and we've gone through many! One particular day, the devotion focused on "Common Vision". We talked about scheduling a vision retreat in order to "get away and spend time praying and talking together about every area of our lives—children, finances, schedules, romance, spirituality, friends, extended family, etc". We want to experience coming away from the retreat with a common vision to guide us through the year. (We're still in the planning stages!)
The truth is, your life is about something bigger than yourself. You were created by a great God to do something bigger and beyond “you.” Finding God’s purpose for your life together is one of the key foundations of peace and fulfillment in marriage. ~Jimmy Evans
Rather than copy the devotional, CLICK HERE for a link to share with your spouse and consider it for yourself. Pay special attention to the action items!

I've learned you don't have to be perfect to live out your purpose.  We are all still works in progress! However, be willing to be a vessel and stay in constant prayer in order to hear clearly what the Lord wants you to do.

Have a GREAT day!

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