August 14, 2013

Looking Forward... Setting Boundaries - Part 2

In October 2008, Henry Blackaby visited our church. I remember what a blessing we received from hearing him speak that day. I didn't get a chance to get a copy of his sermon and wonder if it's still available. The kids were with me so it was kind of distracting but it was good. Basically, he said that it is time for revival... in every way. I remember reading about the presidential candidates making plans to make a change in this world... But God does NOT change! His word is bond and everything we need to effect change is found in His word, not in man.

Later in the evening that same day, I remember listening to Joel Osteen speak on Proverbs 16:9...
The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.
I took lots of notes! He stated that if we don't make plans, God can't direct them. Planning is the missing link to accomplishing our goals and plans. Be focused, diligent, take steps of faith, get prepared, and write down a goals program. I remembered attending a seminar where the lady said that a goal is just a dream until you write it down... and to take it a step further... put a plan into action to accomplish that goal.

So today, I challenge you to write down some short term attainable goals and long term goals, goals that are so big it's going to take God to make them come to pass! Write down what you want to accomplish and stay focused on the task at hand so you can begin to move forward. Be sure you are in alignment with what The Lord would want you do. Consistently work on setting healthy boundaries so you can stay focused.

I personally have a few accountability partners, a business mentor, and now a spiritual coach for support. I talk with them as often as possible for encouragement and balance, and of course, I read God's word daily and keep the faith. Despite any circumstances, I count it all joy!

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