August 10, 2010

31 Day Challenge - Day 24 - I'm Loving the Proverbs 31 Life!!

You know, when I first started this challenge, I failed to be consistent. Although I've missed a few days of blogging this time around, I haven't ceased trying to live the Proverbs 31 Life, not in my own strength, but daily, moment by moment thinking on how God would want me to behave in various aspects of my life.

I still have a ways to go on worrying... But I'm getting MUCH better!! I have to remember, God has made me into a helper, not the head of my household anymore. Now, that's been a tough habit to break! But, it's getting easier to submit when I think of my submission as unto the Lord and allow God to be in control of what happens in my life, no matter how things may seem, good, bad, or indifferent.

I'm thankful everyday for a heart for Christ, not only in myself, but in my husband, and in my children. Thank God for a praying mom and grandma!! And the Lord has brought some great people into my life, personally and through business, who have helped me open up my eyes to a whole new outlook on life. Thank God for some praying folks!! God knows my needs and has supplied everything right when I need it!!

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