September 9, 2008

It's been a looooooooooong time!!

Wow. Where do I begin?

I am a writer. Love to write. But haven't been doing much of it lately. I've been so engulfed in building an "empire" and supporting my soon to be king and making sure the kiddos are where they need to be that writing seems to be a thing of the past...

Every once in a while, I'll copy someone else's words that encourage or inspire me to my myspace blog... But it's not the same as just writing from the heart...

I started a book years ago... I start, then I stop... I guess I got discouraged because my computer crashed... not once, not twice, but THREE times... You think I would've learned by now to back everything up. But, of well, I didn't. So I'm starting over once again...

I feel like I have writer's block or something! But I know what my book is about. It's an encouragement for teen moms, divorced moms, and single moms... I've been all three...

I made it through. I have gotten two children graduated and living their lives as best they can. Well, one is still hanging on by a thread! LOL. I have two more... one in high school, one in elementary... The youngest just started playing football at age 8... A little late, but he'll be okay. He's got the older boys to help him. And my one precious and precocious little lady... my mini me.... Going through that girl thing that we all do... I think. I know I did... Sometimes still do feel a little awkward not looking as appealing as I want to... But God didn't make any junk, did He!!

Sooooooooooooooo... I'm getting tired. Long, long, long day! But thank God for His brand new mercies. Gonna lay my head on the pillow and dream sweet dreams... Hoping to lose some weight BEFORE Thanksgiving becuase God knows that Thanksgiving, Christmas, AND New Years will be the death of my once pretty decent figure!! Ho hum....

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